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2024-05-15 19:47:59     评论:0

杰怡茯苓茶  药食同源,代茶饮用,助您健康生活。

杰怡茯苓茶主要原料:茯苓  酸枣仁  枸杞子 陈皮等




附:杰怡茯苓茶主要原料茯苓  酸枣仁  枸杞子 陈皮《中药大辞典》及《本草纲目》权威介绍。





















Jieyi Poria Cocos Tea is Famous both at Home and Abroad

National patent application number: 202110165070 2
Jieyi Poria Cocos Tea:  It is a Chinese medicine and food of the same origin, and can be drunk as tea to help you live a healthy life.

The main raw material of Jieyi Poria Cocos Tea: Poria cocos, Chinese date seed, Wolfberry, Tangerine peel, etc.

The ingredients of Jieyi Poria Tea are modified according to the clinical experience of famous Chinese medicine practitioners for decades. It is a product with the same origin of medicine and food. (The original recipe has the conditioning effects of calming the mind, benefiting the spleen and stomach, penetrating dampness and promoting diuresis, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, and relieving discomfort after drinking.) Since its launch in 2020, it has been well-received by domestic consumers. In 2021, it was recognized and recommended by the CCTV “National Products” column group, and was strongly selected as CCTV Chinese TV Shopping National Products, and was also recognized as a “potential new national product” brand. In January 2022, it was recognized as a “national specialty, Chinese national gift” (Gift Registeration No. 013) by the National and Folk Culture Committee of the China Cultural Information Association and other units. It was recognized as a “designated gift for the Central and State Organs Veteran Cadres’ Group Visit (Zhong Lao Tuan Bai Registration No. 027)” by the Activity Office of the Central and State Organs Veteran Cadres Association.

Jie Yi Poria cocos tea can be said to be a top-grade health product; it is the best choice to send to relatives, friends, elders, and colleagues , and it can build a bridge of healthy friendship .

With the continuous expansion of the domestic market and the promotion of friends from all walks of life, Jieyi Poria Cocos Tea has now been favored by international friends in the United States, Britain, Australia, Germany, Thailand, Venezuela, Spain, Kazakhstan, etc. Mr. Hartwig Traber, a former Senior Board Member of SAB Bank in Germany, and Ms. Cen Annie, deputy secretary general of the Venezuela-China Chamber of Commerce, drank Jieyi Poria Cocos Tea and had sweet sleep and increased physical strength, and highly praised the Team. Dr. Zhang Lili, president of the Overseas Yanhuang Cultural Heritage Foundation, and Ms. Wang Qiuhui, president of the All-British Henan Hometown Association, felt good after drinking it and strongly recommended it.


The authoritative introduction by “Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” and “Compendium of Materia Medica”, regarding the raw material of Jieyi Poria Tea

The main raw material of Jieyi Poria Tea include Poria cocos, Wild jujube kernel, Wolfberry, Tangerine peel etc

Poria cocos:

“Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” records: It calms the mind and calms the mind, benefits the spleen and stomach, and promotes dampness and diuresis.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” Indications: Indications of adverse qi in the chest and hypochondrium, anxiety, fear of evil, palpitations, pain in the lower heart, cold, heat, irritability, fullness and cough, burning mouth and dry tongue, diuresis. Taking it for a long time can calm the soul and nourish the spirit, prevent hunger and prolong life. It can relieve thirst and make you sleep better, relieve diarrhea in the abdomen, phlegm in the diaphragm, edema and lymph nodes, open the chest and internal organs, regulate viscera and qi, cut down kidney evil, increase yin, replenish qi and strength, protect the mind and keep the middle. Appetite, relieve vomiting, soothe the mind, treat lung disease, phlegm congestion, abdominal distension, epilepsy in children, and hot stranguria in women. Replenishes the five kinds of fatigue and seven injuries, makes people happy and boosts their will, stops forgetfulness, warms the waist and knees, and helps prevent miscarriage. It quenches thirst, facilitates urination, removes dampness and replenishes dryness, harmonizes and replenishes qi, and promotes blood circulation between the waist and umbilicus. It drives water and soothes the spleen, promotes fluid production and guides qi, calms fire and stops diarrhea, removes deficiency heat, and opens up the colic. It purges the bladder, benefits the spleen and stomach, and cures kidney disease.

There are poems in praise:

Poria cocos has a wonderful effect on calming the nerves and is an excellent remedy for diuresis and dampness.
It is good at harmonizing the stomach and strengthening the spleen and is said to be good at opening the chest to relieve fullness.

Wild jujube kernel :

“Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” records: It calms the heart, reduces sweat, and nourishes the liver.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” Indications: Cold and heat in the heart and abdomen, accumulation of evil Qi, soreness and dampness in the limbs. Taking it for a long time can calm the five internal organs, lighten the body and prolong life. Annoyance and inability to sleep, pain up and down the navel, blood circulation and prolonged discharge, deficiency of sweat and polydipsia, tonify the liver, strengthen muscles and bones, and support yin qi.

There are poems in praise:

Ziziphus jujube kernel has a sweet medicinal taste, which can reduce sweating, calm the mind and soothe the five internal organs.
Buzhong is beneficial to liver deficiency and irritability, strengthens bones and muscles, and prolongs life.


“Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” records: Nourish the kidneys, moisten the lungs, nourish the liver, and improve eyesight.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” records: Indications: strengthening muscles and bones, resisting aging, removing wind, removing fatigue, and replenishing essence. It is mainly used for heart disease, stem heartache, thirst and drinking; kidney disease is eliminated. Nourishes the kidneys and lungs. Improve eyesight.

There are poems in praise:

Lycium barbarum nourishes the kidneys and lungs, nourishes the liver and improves eyesight.
It can eliminate wind, endure old age and cure fatigue, and it can be used for energy deficiency and strong effect.

Tangerine peel:

“Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” records: regulating qi, regulating the heart, drying dampness, and resolving phlegm.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” Indications: Heat in the chest is inverse to the Qi, and it can benefit water and grains. Take it for a long time to remove the odor, lower the Qi and stimulate the mind. It lowers Qi, relieves vomiting and coughing, treats Qi rushing into the chest, vomiting and cholera, treats spleen failure to eliminate grains, stops diarrhea, removes heat from the bladder and stops water, five stranguria, facilitates urination, and removes white worms. Clears phlegm and saliva, cures cough caused by upper qi, appetizer, treats dysentery due to qi, and resolves the syndrome of fistula and mass. Treats vomiting, nausea, noisy stomach, occasional vomiting of water, phlegm, lumps, malaria, large intestine obstruction, and breast cancer in women. Add food ingredients to resolve fishy toxins.

There are poems in praise:

Tangerine peel Guangjia Qi-regulating prescription can harmonize and relieve dampness and resolve phlegm.
Dysentery can be cured by relieving cough and appetizing, while vomiting can be cured by clearing the large intestine.




11月4日晚,国家主席习近平以视频方式出席在上海举行的第五届中国国际进口博览会开幕式并发表题为《共创开放繁荣的美好未来》的致辞。新华社记者 李学仁 摄[详细]


10月22日,中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会闭幕会在北京人民大会堂举行。新华社记者 陈建力 摄[详细]

